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SDD conducted Driving University Strategy (Fast Track) on Student Affairs and Exhibition Board Meeting

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01 November 2018 10:32:16

          On 30 October 2018, Student Development Division as the host for driving university strategy (fast track) for fiscal year 2019 in the 4th strategy: student affairs and exhibition conducted Driving University Strategy (Fast Track) for Fiscal Year 2019 in the 4th Strategy: Student Affairs and Exhibition Board Meeting at Worraraksananong Meeting Room, 3rd floor, Health and Sport Center Building. As a chairperson, Asst. Prof. Dr. Chananart Meenanan, Vice-President for Student Affairs declared the meeting duly constituted for agenda. Board members being present at the meeting included Deans, Deputy Deans for Student Affairs and Director of supporting units.

          The meeting was called to order by the minute secretary including operational guideline for 9 indicators, consideration on the board meeting schedule for the progressive monitoring and pushing the efficient performance, consideration on the performance gathering form. In response to SSRU strategic move, it was designed to schedule on 15th of every month to SSD, as the host of agenda, in order to gather and analyze information and report to the university successively.


Reported: Ms. Saowapa Chaiyaprueksathon

Translated: Ms. Atcharapun Daiporn

Proofed: Asst. Prof. Siri-Orn Champatong

Photo: Planning and Policy Division

Public Relations, Student Development Division