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Led the University Executive Committee meeting No. 2/2564

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09 February 2021 15:25:02

On 8 February 2021 Assoc.Prof.Dr.Chutikarn Sriviboon, president of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, led the University Executive Committee meeting No. 2/2564 at SSRU Council Hall, Fl. 5, Building 31 and on google meet. 

The meeting agenda were as follows:

▶ Revised announcement on caliber of education of Demonstration School of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, year 2015

▶ Discussion on progression of Improvement Plan implementation and indicators of criteria of educational quality assurance, program level, organization level and university level for academic year 1/2020

During the meeting, institutions were awarded the Excellent Budget Management Award for fiscal year 2020.

Group 1 Faculty: Faculty of Education

Group 2 College: College of Allied Health Sciences

Group 3 Education enhancement institution: Institute of Lifelong Learning Promotion and Creativity

Pavitra Athakitkarnka : translator

